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We believe in democracy that is based in openness and transparency, which is why we publish all meetings for anyone to read.


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 08.07.22


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 15.09.22


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 10.11.22


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 03.01.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 07.02.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 08.03.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 16.05.23


Southend Confelicity Executive Committee Meeting 07.06.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 22.06.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Meeting 19.07.23


​Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 16.09.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 17.10.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 21.11.23


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 31.01.24


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 06.03.24


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 15.10.24


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 20.11.24


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 28.01.25


Southend Confelicity Manifesto Minutes 28.01.25


Each meeting follows an agenda of various policies that are voted on by members from 1 to 100.


All members must vote 50 or higher for a policy to be approved.  


If only one member scores 49 or lower, the policy is not passed.  It is then up to members whether they wish to adapt the question to be re-voted on in a future meeting.


It is important to note, that even if a motion is not voted forward for the manifesto, members are free to publicly declare how they would vote in order for residents to understand where the candidate stands.


Click here to see all member's voting records.


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