Join Southend Confelicity
Become a Candidate for Confelicity and be the voice for Southend residents
Politics shapes the world around us and if you've ever felt you could do something to help, support or change Southend for the better, then it might time to think about standing as a councillor. No experience is necessary, just a passion and willingness to help our city.
In it's simplest form, standing as a candidate is no more than putting your name on the ballot and giving residents the the chance to vote for Southend Confelicity, it requires no time or commitment on your part. You would just need to be prepared to become a councillor if elected, which would involve helping residents and attending the Full Council Meeting once a month voting on matters of the day. For those wanting to campaign, we would be right behind you knocking on doors and delivering election materials.
There are 51 seats on the council and in May 2026 all of them will be up. Southend is divided into 17 wards with three councillors per ward. As a candidate for Confelicity, you will be selected for the ward you live in or the closest one: Ward maps – Southend-on-Sea City Council.
We are the only party who seek to return the councillor position to a voluntary role, so we have made the commitment to stand on this platform.
You will be subject to a DBS check.
Become a Member and make a difference for Southend
Membership is free (donation only)
Members will be able to participate and help formulate policies on all matters regarding the Party
You will have the power of Veto on all policies
Email: to join Southend's only local party
Seeking agreement of all members through partnership is consistent with the underlying principles of the Party, which state not to alienate, isolate and cause indignation by divided democracy.
Members are can speak freely on any issue they wish to bring to the attention of the party. All opinions will be heard, respected, and explored until a reasonable conclusion is found within all party members. An issue will remain unresolved until all nuances have been sufficiently resolved. In cases where resolutions are not found, a short-term strategy will be developed at which point a specified date for review will be agreed.
A policy is passed if agreement from members is unanimous, which is based on a scored voting system:
Each member votes on a policy out of 100.
Any member that votes 49 or lower automatically moves the motion for the policy to a review date not later than 6 months from the date of the vote.
All policies must have all members vote at least 90 or higher to pass automatically.
If all members average vote falls between 50 and 89, the Leader can pass the policy if they vote 90 or higher. In these cases, policies are only adopted on a probationary basis in which the policy will be subject to 6 monthly reviews until such time as all Members vote above 90.
If all members vote between 50 and 89, the proposed policy will be moved to review date no later than 6 months from the date of the vote.
Become a volunteer
We have many roles from delivering leaflets to helping with our digital team.
Every pair of hands helps a great deal and you would be very welcome were you to put yourself forward. There would not be any commitment necessary, just do what you can when you can.